About me

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Hi and welcome to my blog where I share my love for plantbased food and healthy lifestyle, which includes food recipes, natural cosmetics and everything else I might find interesting and useful when it comes to living a healthier and happier life.

My name is Sanja and I live in France with my husband and son. It was after the birth of my son that I actually changed my way of eating, wishing to introduce more vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts and all other plantbased food into our diet. More I was experimenting, more I was starting to love and enjoy this way of cooking and eating. I slowy started to cut most of the animal products and experienced the benefits of it. That was especially obvious to me when I ditched all the dairy products. Pain in my stomach, that I often experienced after eating meat and dairy was finally gone, I got more energy, my skin problems were not so bad anymore (to name only few of the benefits).

After two years of this new diet I felt it might be nice to finally share my recipes, experiences and advices with everyone who might find them useful. Also, I started to study more about nutrition, as well as health coaching, but I’m not embarking on that journey until I’m really sure about my knowledge and obtain my diploma. However, I will gladly share all information that I will find interesting and useful when it comes to our health and eating.

Since I am still learning myself and discovering the advantages of healthy cuisine, all suggestions, advices and critics are welcome πŸ™‚